TsMuxer Click the Download Free Trial button above and get a 14-day, fully-functional trial of CrossOver. Universal Media Server Universal Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server Universal Media Server supports all ma. TsMuxeR supports additional tags inside SRT tracks. As such our recommendation is to use font 'FreeSans' on Linux and 'OpenSans' on Mac. It also will only load fonts from /usr/share/fonts/ on Linux and /Library/Fonts/ on Mac. Currently tsMuxer only supports fonts in TTF format. Install or plug in your Blu-ray drive, install the apps you need, then fire up tsMuxeR to remux your videos into the proper format. Finder has the built-in ability to burn an ISO image directly as long as you have a disc drive connected. Finder (Mac): On a Mac, the burning process is even easier. It contains all the applications you need - a Web browser, presentation. This feature can be interesting while watching soft-subtitled movies as subtitles can be shown in that part, without covering the movie.Ubuntu (64-bit) is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. The bar is only at the bottom of the screen and the image is not center.

Is this what it's supposed to happen with the black bar "fix" that some programs are using or am I doing something wrong? I do notice that these cropped MKVs to AVCHD puts the video starting from the very top of my TV and leaving a big thick black bar on the bottom and no black bar on top.

And at my knowledge, there are no documented method (I wish I found one) to center AVCHD video on the PS3 without reencoding on a mac (mkv2vob is a Windows Program only). Yes I do reencoding, and it takes time, but I don't see quality lost when AviDemux is properly set. But thank you very much for telling me about your experience at least now I know why the chapter skipping is slow. I also have HD (720p) movies from my digital camera (canon sd940) and they are cropped and without black bars and would rather not reencode everything. I would use AVIDemux but from your description it sounds like you're re-encoding movies and I rather not do that. PS Is anyone else experiencing slow chapter skips with PS3? I click on the skip forward chapter and the screen goes black, the video input name shows up on my TV (HDMI 2 input), goes away, screen black again and then I see the video. I ended up using MKV2VOB to build AVCHD that could scan/seek forward and back. The regular version of TSMuxer (not yours) I was using before in Leopard was not allowing this properly. Now to see if this works building up a nice AVCHD that can scan and skip chapters. So this time I deleted them and it loaded up fine in the terminal and gui. I looked at the font and I had just renamed them and never deleted them. I read your readme file and it reminded me about the fonts. I tried the new app with the libraries included and still got the Bus error. Before I was getting Bus error in the terminal. I downloaded your new version from megaupload and it does load the video now. When done, the tsMuxeR command Line should Workīased on that, I've rebuild the GUI and I've added the original tsMuxeR 1.10.6 inside the application.īe aware that qtlib are requested in order for the GUI to run ( To solve the problem, if you don't use those korean fonts, delete or rename The problem is due to 2 particulars korean fonts supplied in Snow Leopard. We got a 'bus error' when trying to execute the command in command-line mode. _tsMuxeR is not working due to fonts interpretations problem._ If you don't want to compile the program by yourself, you can take the version down in the post. (QT libs and XCode are required for the operation). The work-around is to recompile the GUI from source given by SmartLabs. +ASSERT: "false" in file kernel/qt_mac.cpp, line 99+ +Qt: qcolorFromCGColor: cannot convert from colorspace model: 0+ _GUI is not working due to an incompatibility in the qtlib_. I've followed my investigations about tsMuxer and Snow Leopard.