Command like a real General, under real time pressures to achieve real objectives on a real map all within the fog of war. Its pausable, continuous time game play, the most advanced artificial intelligence of any wargame, powerful and intuitive user interface and unique command system provide the most realistic and enjoyable simulation of operational warfare. The Airborne Assault game engine revolutionizes wargaming.

Take command and with the aid of the world's most advanced wargame engine fight the battle and change history.

Drop thirty thousand airborne troops deep behind enemy lines, seize the vital bridges across the Rhine, secure the highway to the Reich, advance the Allied armies into the German heartland and end the war by Xmas. September 1944, General Montgomery mounts the most daring Allied offensive of WW2. Will you be a successful diplomat, who can increase your power through an incredibly flexible diplomacy model, or will you be a ruthless and ambitious ruler that lets your tanks and missiles speak for you? Through skilled management your influence and popularity will grow. You control the agenda of your region as you maintain its economy, grow the support of your population, and strive to influence your neighbors. Not another build and attack 'click fest', but a challenging simulation of political and military leadership. Supreme Ruler 2010 represents the next generation of strategy game. Individual Regions are left to fight for power to dominate their neighbors, their countries, their continents, and then the world. The United Nations has disappeared, and in its place an organization with far sharper teeth referred to simply as "The World Market" has taken its place. The year is 2010 and the Major Powers of the world as we currently know them have disintegrated into bickering economic and military regions. Blue engagements typified in most wargames, Combat Mission: Shock Force will also allow players to fight Red vs. Combat Mission: Shock Force also features Unconventional Threat forces such as terrorists, spies, suicide bombers, IED's and other deadly tools employed in the asymmetric warfare of the modern day. The initial release of Combat Mission: Shock Force focuses on the actions of the US Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCT) and Heavy Brigade Combat Teams (HBCT) as they fight against Syrian Army Infantry, Mechanized and Armored units. As in Afghanistan 2001, the radical new government's refusal to shut down major terrorist organizations and its' regional destabilizing effect, compel NATO Coalition forces into action. Impressive: An exciting story-line plus sensational graphics with incredible effects and stylish cut-scenes guarantee maximum enjoyment.Īt it's core, Combat Mission: Shock Force is a military simulation depicting a hypothetical near-future conflict in Syria following a fundamentalist coup d’état. Explosive: Challenge your friends in the immensely variable multi-player mode or play alongside them against the PC in Co-operational Mode Comprehensive: Great variety of enemy units with ships, submarines, planes and futuristic vehicles Destructive: Powerful weapons with many lethal upgrades If you are to emerge victorious from a variety of challenging scenarios, you must lead your troops against wave after wave of massive attacks from ships, planes and gigantic Special Forces. As Commander of a Naval Super-Destroyer, it is your duty to destroy the enemy's mighty Boss Units in a military campaign of epic proportions in, under and above the surface. In a fantasy world of Victorian architecture, war is raging between the industrial superpowers.

The game itself is presented in a fictional Imperial Victorian setting. "Naval Warfare" is a stylish arcade-action shooter with numerous tactical elements, driven by an entertaining story with beautiful hand-drawn comic sequences also featuring a thrilling campaign mode and various exciting multiplayer modes.