Journal review
Journal review

journal review

Please note that this section has to be the core of the entire critical review of journal article essay.

journal review

A critical discussion of just a few main issues that are presented in the article.Consider that this section should take up about one third of the total paper. Sometimes, it is appropriate to summarize section by section but usually, to provide a brief review only the major topics are picked up. A short summary of the content and arguments of the article.The initial identification of the article, including titles of the article and the journal, author, year of publication etc., and the indication of its major aspects.It has to include the following sections: One more thing you should know when wondering how to write a review paper on a journal article is the structure of such paper. Now it is time to start drafting and actually writing your paper. Remember that you can only use them in order to support your own evaluation instead of copying or imitating them. Now, when you have some kind of journal article review worksheet, if you consider it necessary, read more articles or books that are relevant to the topic you are working on to collect more evidence or alternative theoretical models or interpretations of data.Īlso, if you want to, look through other reviews of this article in up-to-date academic journals. It is time for the next step of writing a journal article review APA style. Now when you are familiar with the article, it is necessary to read the whole text carefully and develop a basis on which you will produce a critical review. Then, read closely the final section where the author’s conclusion is covered and main reasons why it has been reached are summarized. Pay more attention to the first section that usually presents the main issues to be discussed and indicates the theoretical or conceptual framework within which the author suggests to work. After it, skim through the whole paper, being more careful while reading opening sentences of paragraphs, tables and other graphic materials. These sections have to provide you with an idea of the central focus and the content of an article and the reasons for producing this article. If you wonder how to write a journal article review APA style, first, look at the title, the abstract, and the introduction. How to Write a Journal Article Review APA Style: Get to Know the Article

Journal review